Urban Chic - Marmalade Style
When I photographed J last year the session was mostly about her brother, to commemorate his first birthday. Of course I got a few images of this beautiful girl during the session...but not nearly enough.
Well, her mom, A, one of my funnest clients that gets "it" (a shout out to her because she loves color and texture and fun stuff) called several months ago to book a session "mostly about J." That session was tonight and I had really been looking forward to this session for the last few weeks. I had a ton of ideas and thoughts in mind. To top off my excitement, I was thrilled to pieces when A decided she wanted to try out the Urban Studio session. I'm not kidding you...as much ground as I've covered with these urban sessions...no two have even been REMOTELY the same. I am so in love with my new studio digs...if my previous Urban Studio sessions didn't show me that THIS one did.
Seriously, this session is like potato chips...I cannot stop proofing at just one. Enjoy the sneak peek and thanks for stopping in.

p.s. Altho D did not get pulled over we did get questioned by Wilmington's finest right about the time this image was taken. No arrests occured thankfully. LOL