That, coupled with my continued insistence on listening to the very introspective about life music I've been listening to in the cd changer in my car (The Killers, Sam's Town), I've honestly gotten introspective about the passage of time as well. My dad turned 86 years old this February and it's been a hard time for me to see the changes take over. He was so strong and vibrant up until about two years ago when he suffered a clot in his leg. He's still strong (unbelievably active for his age) but he is becoming a bit of a shadow of his former self. Daily, looking at him when I see my parents for visits or if they come over to my home to see my girls, I see the changes take over. The slowing down. You'd think I'd be used to it that it would be happening gradually but it feels like I am being continually slapped inthe face with the old age changes.
So, yes, introspective. I'd say that is an adequate term. That and the realization that what I create and do for families is far more priceless than I ever imagined. I always *knew* that but I am really truly loving those few photos I have of my dad and I when he was a much more vibrant 50ish man while I was growing up, helping me iceskate...the memories pour down like rain. It's hard to see the ones you love grow older. Poignant, maybe a bit bitter sweet.
Check out The Killers album if you like good rock music that has actual lyrics with meaning and no talk of bling and ho's. LOL
Here's a couple of images from February with my parents:

If I owe you a call, I promise I'll call either later today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading this and allowing me to have a sort of personal catharsis here.