My last post has me down. I can't keep focusing on feeling sad. :(
Today was recital picture day for my girls for dance class. This is the fourth year for my oldest and second year for my youngest. By far my favoritest of dance recital costumes is this year. They are too sweet for words!
Here, premiering a few of what I will be considering part of the Marmalade Studio line up (locations around the vicinity of my studio) are a few images from today. I, of course, ALWAYS order the standard professional pictures taken at the studio but I *always* take them and do some of my own schtick on these. I love the emotion and the Las Vegas sort of glitter and glam in direct contrast to my usual shooting style. So fun!

Thanks for looking. My dad is doing pretty decent by the way, I don't know if he'll fully recover from this episode, I went over there tonite and he seemed awfully drained and unlike his usual self. ((sigh))