I have been a bit MIA, I got smacked down with this nasty flu virus and am finally feeling somewhat human this a.m.. What better way to celebrate than with a blog entry? LOL

#1: If you were a guest at the event that is pictured above, feel free to access the mini preview slideshow here. The password is the last name of the host family for the Six Year Old Birthday bash held on March 10 (case sensitive with the first letter of the last name being capitalized). Please access the Marmalade Photography Slideshows site by going here and clicking on Clients' Slideshow Access. I'll also have up a photo shopping cart for purchase of any photos from this event, that cart access will be placed up as soon as I finish editing the rest of the images I want to put up there. I think you will be thrilled with how these event images turned out!
#2: I am proud to make the official announcement that I will be moving to a "studio" location later this spring. The date is to be announced once we get access to the inside and determine how long putting up the back walls is going to take.
The space is fantastic and puts me in the smack dab middle of a ton of my Marmalade Locations. It is located off historic Route 66 in the Des Plaines River Wildlife & Conservation Corridor. I feel extremely lucky as part of a run for the Kankakee River runs behind the studio and I will be able to fully utilize the charm and history of the little 1830ish downtown area I am located in.
Here are a few images of the studio in progress. The floors are finished and now the landlord is in the midst or remodeling the old bathroom for me. Once we get in we will be constructing some walls at the back for a viewing room, my official office, a dressing room, a props room and toy room for the kids.
Thanks to all my past, present and future clients who have been here with me along the way and being part of and sharing my dream with me. This is a big step and I am so excited to be able to do this a full year ahead of my own schedule for doing this.

And last a few images from right outside my studio door. Studio sessions will not be your grandma's studio sessions by any means, I will continue to utilize mostly natural light and be able to do some outside shots as well. Marmalade Location Sessions and On Location Sessions will continue to be available as well. Look for more news and images of the new space in the near future.