There are some sessions that just make me happy creatively. This is partly why I enjoy going to location shoots, I simply just never know what I'll find. Today's session, well, it was just one of those fun sort of sessions where I felt inspired at every turn. I can't stop proofing images even though I should as I have other stuff to attend to. I feel so lucky as I am having a run of fabulous fun subjects to photograph!!
Today's session made me feel truly blessed to do what I do. I had a blast getting to know J & J and their kids M & C. What a great time, what a great spot to photograph. I had so much fun.
So without further adieu, here is a sneak peek for M & C's session with Marmalade Photography. I'd like to thank J & J once again for allowing me into their lives for this brief span of time to tell part of their story.