To be taken to exotic locales to be scoped out for potential Marmalade Location future shoots. To have new equipment tested out on you and to have the oh-so-glamorous job of being the daughter of a photographer. Of course they are always so very cooperative. LOL.
Last week at our session with Brianna my daughters were in their typical half cooperative, half ooooh! shiny object!! distraction mode (as they typically are) and she & I had a long discussion on the life of a photographers' child. I thought of that discussion yesterday as I was attempting to photograph a trial of my newest location (I posted about it in the Winter/Spring newsletter and am finally just getting around to experimenting a bit there). This location really does have it all! REALLY urban, nature, flowers, tall grasses, stone walls, brick walls, ruins, funky graffiti across the way. It's industrial going back to nature and as anyone who knows me's my favorite type of setting. A mix of contrasts. And I love the testament that nature eventually DOES take back over. This spot is truly a testimony to that theory. It's truly perfect...I am so so in love. Now my goal is just to get a few cooperative subjects to hang out and be photographed there--my ultimate dream.
My most favorite part of all of these shots is that most of them consist of their eyes shielded from the camera. I kept thinking about the stories they'll tell to the psychiatrist of their mother's camera torture on these little jaunts with me!! A little psychological scarring never hurt anyone! ;)