Today, Monday, will be the start of a long stretch of a week (or two or three!) for me. I want to put it out that the Studio and Office will be closed July 3 and 4 for the Independence Day Holiday as well as starting July 6 until July 25. We, as a family, are going on a much anticipated road trip. This self described "Nature Girl" is eager to see the beauty and splendor in for our family trip to Yellowstone, it's been a good nine months in the making. I realize, with the full mid to early July session booked schedule that I may forget to make this little announcement. Old Faithful, we'll be heading on over soon enough.
There are still a scattering of June 22 mini session afternoon slots available. Please view the link in the sidebar to be directed to the details. For those who have booked, I am still in process of creating a mini pamphlet (for the mini sessions! How appropos!) and get it sent out later this week. I was hoping to do one big send out and get it completed in that manner.
Saturday was the big recital for my daughters dance school at the famed Rialto Square Theatre in Joliet.

And these last couple because I am so in love with them and they *are* sort of dance related...I promised someone I'd post these and frankly, in the coming weeks I am probably not going to see much of my darlings with the kick off of summer activities, session activities and other commitments. Currently I'm contemplating offering a true true urban session type to add to the Marm Locations (no nature stuff for you non nature lovers (GASP! Yes, there are people that aren't nature types! Who knew? :) ). These were taken in a spot where there is plenty more urban architecture and funky aesthetic to be had...I'm dwelling on that thought. I also promised one of my clients for late June that I would post these for her contemplation on the Urban Session vs. Nature-y Session types. Ok, "C", I hope this is enough variety of one wall (LOL) to allow you to make the decision and I apologize for not having done so earlier Sunday as I told you I would. (please also scroll down to see the other session type offered that is a mixed nature-urban type)

One last thought, I have some family members travelling to Europe later today and I want to wish them a happy & safe trip to the Motherland.