Letting go is hard. Letting go of past hardships and mistakes, things that hold you back for growing, from moving forward. It's hard to see positives when you are confronted with the unknown. When I was pregnant with my first child I felt a lot of that fear. Fear that my relationship(s) will change (it did), fear that my life would change (oh boy! It did.) Just fear.
But fear isn't a bad thing. Taking a leap, letting go can be a blast! And it can push you, propel you forward to places you never expected to go. It leads you to the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. Staying in a safety zone is oftentimes, in my experience, short sighted. Too many people remain in place, never leaving, their lives become stagnant. So many people are envious of people who change, who take a leap.

My point? I do have one, you know... Take a leap. Follow your dreams, at least on some level. I bet that you will never regret taking that leap but you may, in fact, regret never taking that leap.
That being said: it is also vitally important to cherish the present. What better way to capture things as they are than in a photograph.
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