A few months ago, early fall of '06 actually, one of my favorite locations, the Original™ ;) Marmalade Location met its' maker when it was grazed over the great beauty of subdivision suburbia. Alas, a second location has recently bit the dust, my Retro Park location used for a number of '06 sessions is currently in renovation mode. Gone is the metallic slide, the "push" merry go round (good luck finding one of these gems in today's kid safe parks!), the gigantic tires sunk into the ground. Another rubberized, fiberglassed, plastic park is coming very soon to this area.
I hate goodbyes, especially when the American way is to graze things over. The relic of a park that this was had been a testimony to my own childhood. Push merry go rounds, metallic slides, all are disappearing at a fast pace. Wonder if these are items that we'll soon find in an antique store near you.
So, goodbye old friend. Thankfully if you still want a "retro park" location for your next Marmalade Location session, I still have a couple on hand that'll do the trick.
Enjoy a small selection of images from sessions at the old retro park location from the '06 season. Thanks for stopping by.