And I am telling you...what a photogenic little guy!!
These children that I am lucky enough to photograph just keep getting more & more attractive. :) One of my clients suggested to me that I must have some policy to only photograph good looking little ones (right Melonie?) but that is so not true! I just have the best looking clients in all of Chicagoland is all!!
Little Hayden was definitely fitting in my attractive child mold today. Wow, those eyes are amazing and that little smile (once he got over his stranger worries with me) was so captivating. I am in love with proofing this session and suspect I'll make some sort of world record finish in my proofing time with it since I can't stop myself to put the editing away.
A big thanks to Hayden's parents, K and E, thank you for allowing me into your home to capture the warmth and love in your home. And I am telling you they have one of the best locations to live, in my opinion, I absolutely love the view!! We were also struck with being lucky today, in the front of K&E's home in the living room we had the good fortune to catch view of two American Bald Eagles fly by; one ended up perching at the top of the tree across the way. I wish I would've had a longer lens to get a better photographic capture of that eagle but nonetheless I felt very uplifted seeing these rare beauties in Northwestern Illinois.'s the little preview shots of H's 7 month session with me, I hope you enjoy!!

p.s. Stay tuned to my blog for tomorrow's announcement of the winners of the Featured Image contest. I have to do a couple final tallies of the votes but will be doing the big announcement in the early afternoon Sunday (tomorrow). I will also be emailing the winners within the next day or two to give them the heads up. Thanks to all who voted (so many of you!) and a million thanks for those many kind words that you all have taken the time to write about my photographic art.