I will be previewing a new website, today, probably (dependent on whether or not my web developer can get to my site by the end of the business day today!). I am so excited. I am also FINALLY completing my HTML site (friendly for all those in dial up land, there is quite a few not surprisingly enough!!). I had coordinated the two sites to look well and flow well together...in this light, be on the look out for an updated look to my blog in the coming weeks. Winter may be a bit slower than fall (thankfully, a much needed break!!) but it's a great time to do the housekeeping stuff that I just don't have time to upkeep during the course of the busier times of the year.
That being said, I have a client in need of snow. SNOW, I tell you, the white stuff. So all you Denver folks need to send a bit (just about 4 or 5 inches worth) of snow mojo Chicago way so I can do this snowy session for her. Her children will be enjoying their first Chicago snowy winter (if we could get the snow) and she is truly excited about getting snowy images. So mojo us some snow please. :)

Oh, and a Happy 2007 to you and yours!
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