brrrrrr...sure it was cold in Chicago today but part of today's session was a balmy 80+ degree, humidity laden adventure. Besides AnnaB being one of my most favorite subjects...her mom is one of my favorite clients, so fun and so great with picking out great locations! I also had the pleasure of meeting her grandmother who was here visiting from Arizona.
This was my second session with AnnaB and needless to say she is growing up to be a little doll! The clothes Miss A had were amazing and it continues to astound me that my clients are so cool and so into what my vision is, without my saying too much about what I want them to wear.
She was such a trooper, we had her in the snow and she did minimal fussing. I really think she was way more into EATING the actual snow than worrying about the cold! Thanks to her mom for allowing me to have my way out in the snow...I promise the images are going to be spectacular.
Here's AnnaBanana's sneak peek. Enjoy!!