Adam, his mom and dad were way cool, we had a fun session together and I would like to thank them for their fun, "anything goes" attitude. Once again I will say I love when my clients brainstorm a bit and come up with a location idea that is a change from just the home shots that are what I normally do when I travel to on location. We went to the park down the street from their home and found a fabulous location that rivals anything that I've seen yet. Meet Adam, in his parents room, playing with his favorite new teething ring...

We did get our share of home shots and they are terrific but some of my very favorite moments from our session together came at the park when Greta the Great (Dane) decided to take a dip in the waterfall/fountain and Adam played in the mulch, much to his delight.
Just a quick note: Amy...when you finally get the courage to ask that dude about taking photos at his home/garden, I'll be there with bells on if you want!! :)
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