I don't know if you all remember my post about my auction item for Minooka High School about a month ago. Well I spoke with the woman, Luann, who won the auction soon after the event and I am thrilled to report that we had scheduled her session for mid May. Very exciting! We tentatively scheduled it at a local park in our area that is still sort of retro, I think she mentioned she had brought her children to that very same park when they were growing up (they do not live very far from there).

Recently I read in a local publication that there are plans to "renovate" this retro park. Makes me really sad because one of my all time wedding photographs (by another, very awesome photographer) is taken of the wedding party on this merry go round retro contraption (that now a days, in our uber safety conscious state we would BAN BAN BAN!). The pic is in B&W and it is exquisite and fun and perfect for a wedding day/wedding party photograph that will be forever cherished.

Well, after I read this I had to take my kids there on an overcast day (my favorite for shooting!). I am thrilled with the photos from my kids' session with me (this coming from the woman who has to use bribery to get her poor children to continue to photographically cooperate these days). Here are a few, a couple I am still experimenting with the color methods but I am really loving this new take on my art. Email me and give me feedback if you're loving it too!

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